I will be highlighting here new rare Mike Oldfield items that were recently included in my collection.

04/12/2024 - Very rare testpressing of the 640079 French 7’’ Ommadawn single. I love the fact that this testpressing comes on a small center hole when the stock single has big center one 😍😍😍

15/10/2024 - Very nice items received from Korea. A beautiful tape plus three CDs 🤪🤪🤪

20/08/2024 - Received today. Directly from South Africa. Wonderful sticker, making this edition very special to me 🥳🥳🥳

17/08/2024 - I am in London at the moment. I came to a wedding of an in-law. It was great cos finally I was able to get in my hands the 3 items in the photo as my relatives had them: 1) 20th anniversary t-shirt 2) islands Korean tape 3) Australian cd tubular bells with anniversary sticker 🥳🥳🥳

28/02/2024 - Very special day as a long time collector. I received today my second afrts USA vinyl lp with Mike Oldfield on it 😍😍😍

14/02/2024 - Korean tapes are very beautiful. Today I received one more: Five Miles Out. I have 15 different ones at the moment 😍😍😍

23/01/2024 - very rare promotional Brazilian vinyl LP with info sheet ❤️❤️❤️

17/01/2024 - Interesting Tubular Bells edition from Switzerland (ML on label) 🥰🥰🥰

15/01/2024 - I went to Barcelona record shops and I bought a few items. The most interesting was this German Heaven’s Open with booklet 🥳🥳🥳

08/01/2024 - Swedish 12’’ vinyl maxi of Moonlight Shadow. Finally I have the two different editions existing (different NCB logo on label) 🎉🎉🎉