(yes! mike oldfield)
I will add here any news I consider interesting about or related to our favorite musician, Mike Oldfield.
You can buy or trade these Mike Oldfield items. If you need anything, please use the shopping cart or email me at argiers@hotmail.com
The main section shows my complete Mike Oldfield collection. Hope you like it, there are loads of rare stuff in here.
I have a blog in Facebook, called the same as this website, argiers (yes! mike oldfield!). Join us at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1084614418637080
Here you can see a selection of my rarest Mike Oldfield items.
I will be highlighting here new rare Mike Oldfield items that were recently included in my collection.
I have checked Rainer Münz lists millions of times. I am very proud to, with his permission, offer them in my website.
All these items are still missing in my collection. If you have any or know where to find them, please let me know by email at argiers@hotmail.com
I am Felix, owner of this website. I collect mainly Mike Oldfield items but you can see here other things of my interest. You can contact me at argiers@hotmail.com