

I would like to thank the following people...

  Rainer Münz You have been there all these years. Answering my emails, my never ending questions. You created the Rainer lists which were, and still are, very important to me.  
  Fernando Besga My alter ego. You in Madrid, me in Barcelona. You made me a better collector. Thanks for all the good moments. It is always good to see you and talk about Oldfield rare items.  
  Miguel Fernández We don't speak as often as we used to do, I really miss that. Anyway, I do appreciate all the years we spoke about Oldfield records on a daily basis and the deals we did together.  
  Masaharu Fujita My very good Japanese friend. I really enjoyed when you visited me in Barcelona. Our English/Spanish/Japanese skills were poor but we managed to talk about Oldfield records.  
  Santi Ruiz Thanks to you I was able to meet Mike Oldfield in Valencia (30/05/2002) and to get his signature. One of my best days ever! A very good friend. Miss the days we saw each other often!  
  Ralf Henke Not an Oldfield fan but you helped me a lot when buying Oldfield records from German sellers. What started as business, more importantly, ended as a very nice friendship.  
  Juan Carlos Baca You helped me in so many ways. But what I like the most is you to be there. Your company, your enthusiasm, your emails, your whatsapps... Juan Carlos, my friend!  
  - and of course Mike Oldfield for recording so many songs.