31/05/2026 - Collectors love small differences. I was checking all my Incantations vinyl lps (I have 25). In particular, the ones with the sea used as art label (13 out of the 25 copies). 12 of them had the same sea “momentum” (first photo). But the Korean, second photo, has a different one 🤪
15/02/2024 - The curiosities of Amarok, minute by minute. Created by Amarok Campo Viejo. I translated his original Spanish text to English using Google Translate.
03/02/2024 - Seen in Internet for sale for 1 euro. Why? Totally mental 😅
12/01/2024 - The HDCD remasters create a big Tubular Bell when you put all the CDs side by side (except the Islands spine which has a wrong design). Simon Long fixed it years ago: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/zjbbj1yizjghafj18il9q/MOislands.png?rlkey=5t3d1ze1fcj7ozuqx9iw1bzb4&dl=0