


17/11/2023 - Winwood Oldfield Pohjola & Pert (Jam Session, Througham Slad, UK, September 1976)

Posted by Berkin Altinok

Press here to listen to Jam Session Part 1

Press here to listen to Jam Session Part 2

Press here to listen to Jam Session Part 3


Dedicated to the Memories of Master Pohjola & Master Pert... LEGENDS...

CATEGORICALLY, my GREATEST series of releases EVER, that will certainly fracture our understanding of the IMPERIAL Timeline... This INSANE Jam was NOT supposed to exist... Rock History was supposed to remain as is... NO MORE... 

I would like to send a HUGE SHOUT OUT to Master Pohjola's long-time manager, Tapio Korjus, a LEGENDARY figure himself within SCANDINAVIAN ROCK, for his tireless efforts and determination for the last 14 months, in helping me, excavate this IMPOSSIBILITY... I must also give mention to Robert Steven Silverstein... His interview with Master Winwood from September 8, 2005, triggering an ALL OUT Research Effort... Thank you again Sir...

This Jam Session is part of an UNFATHOMABLE 3-Part release that can only be described as a concocted 'Fairy Tale' within ROCK MYTHOLOGY that would solely be utilised to put an insomniac FUSION/ROCK fan to sleep, so that she can dream as if the Tale was REAL... 

When Master Winwood climbed into his Rolls-Royce not long after TRAFFIC's final gig at Chicago’s Auditorium Theatre, in the dying days of October 1974, TRAFFIC were about to HALT OPERATIONS for the next 2 decades... He needed the much deserved rest from the never-ending cycle of Touring and Recording... Even though he did a few sessions during 1975, it was not until February of 1976 that he 'got back on the saddle' so to speak... He spent the first half of the year, recording and touring with Master Yamahsta's GO, which allowed him to experiment with several types of Keyboards as well as sharpen his 'behind the desk' knowledge on Recording techniques... 

He was about to start recording his 'eponymous' album in the October of 1976... It is at this point, in the SPACE TIME CONTINUUM where we get our "anomaly"... At the time, the driving distance between Master Winwood and Master Oldfield's Cotswolds Strongholds, was about 40 minutes... It was only natural that Master Winwood, on one September day, pays a casual visit to Master Oldfield's 'Througham Slad' Studio to test an idea he had... Upon his arrival, he is greeted by Master Pert & Master Pohjola... culminating in a completely UNKNOWN JAM... UNTIL NOW 💥

I am a HUGE fan of Master Pert's body of work, especially with Master Oldfield, Master Yamashta, Brand X as well as his session works... Goes without saying, he has recorded with Master Winwood on other projects like TALK TALK's "Colour of Spring" in 1986 and most famously on Master Martyn's "One World" in 1977... He was truly a Drummer from another Planet...

As far as Master Oldfield and his LEGENDARY career is concerned... It is more of a "How much time do you have?" situation... The Literature is beyond CRYSTAL... It's TUBULAR…🌀

However, we must reserve a special mention for Master Pohjola... I must come clean, I was completely gobsmacked, delving into his career... First and foremost, he was an INSANE Bass Player as well as a phenomenal Composer... During 1976, he was in the process of recording his INCREDIBLE solo album "Keesojen Lehto" {aka. "The Mathematician's Air Display"} together with Master Oldfield & Master Moerlen, soon to be released in 1977... Furthermore, Master Pohjola was a member of some Legendary SCANDINAVIAN Rock Bands like MADE IN SWEDEN, UNISONO and most importantly for "our purposes", WIGWAM... It has long been told within Finnish Rock Lore that TRAFFIC was a huge influence on WIGWAM, especially Master Gustavson had a healthy Master Winwood fixation and that his composition "In Gratitude" from their 1970 album "Tombstone Valentine" was a Tribute to Master Winwood...


"The Idea"... This very first Jam from this IMPROBABLE session, is a Master Winwood composition... This was the track he brought into the studio... I mean, the moment the Piano makes its entrance, the sound is UNMISTAKABLE... After hours of tireless analyses together with some industry experts🔬, Master Winwood is on the Piano as well as some Marimba, switching between the two instruments... Master Oldfield's SUPERB Guitar is on the right channel all throughout and probably uses a "Space Echo" to keep the timing tight. 

Out of the 3 jams, this is the one that has the MOST "plan/structure" to it... I mean with some more instrumentation and lyrics, it could have easily been part of the 1977 solo debut. It is TRULY AMAZING to uncover this unknown composition from a period when Master Winwood was at his most experimental and creative. 


A "Superb Loose Jam" between the Masters. Master Winwood is mainly on the Fender Rhodes with that superb GLOCKENSPIEL-ish sound... Very reminiscent of his playing on the Master Martyn OPUS "Small Hours"... The sound is ridiculously tight and calm... This may have been a spur of the moment jam, revolving around a simple melody with some SUBLIME Guitar playing from Master Oldfield...


What an AMAZING example of Fusion/Prog/Kraut ROCK... It sounds like Master Pert has had an infusion of "Vitamin C" and is having dreams of EGE BAMYASI, trying to emulate Master Liebezeit... Some INSANE drumming is taking place here together with Master Pohjola just shredding on the Bass... Master Winwood is messing around with all sorts of Keys, from Moogs to the Piano, at times on multiple Keys at the same time... The Climax of the jam begins around the 6.40 minute mark, where the JAM really starts to take flight with Master Winwood's Piano taking over... I mean this is clearly KRAUT Territory, long way away from the NEUTRAL ZONE... ☄

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